Playground Services
Playground Safety Surface
Playground safety surfaces go by many names. Tot lot chips, playground chips, safety surface, playground mulch or commonly called EWF (Engineered wood fiber).
In the end no matter the name they should all be an IPEMA certified playground safety surface that meets ASTM standards. The product we use is IPEMA certified and meets ASMT standards F1292 and F2075.
We understand that the kids need to have time outside and when you have your playground safety surface redone, it can take a lot of time away from them. This is especially true if you have large quantities of material installed by hand.
Our fleet of blower trucks make it easy and only take a short time to install. We can install 60 yards in an hour.
Playground installers can rest easy knowing that we are not looking to take work away from them, we are looking to make their job easier.
You don’t have to worry about what freight is going to cost you on smaller tractor trailer loads. We have hundreds of yards in stock all the time allowing us to bring only what you need at an economical price.

Daycares and Schools
We offer services across the country for multi-location/State daycare facilities, Government contracts, parks & recreation, playground installers and other child care centers that are in need of playground safety surface.
The safety surface that we install is a certified playground safety surface. The safety surface is tested and meets all ASTM and IPEMA requirements.
The safety surface may vary from region to region, but will always be certified!
Playground Borders
We carry two types of playground borders. They are the traditional wood border which is a ground contact treated 6x6 or 4x4 timber.
Timbers are the most cost effective border. They can be cut to any size to accommodate any dimension. The biggest problem with a timber border is that over time it may rot and splinters are always a possibility.
The second playground border we carry is manufactured out of plastic. The borders come in both eight and twelve inch heights and are produced in four foot lengths.
Plastic borders are the best choice for long term playground border solutions. They are impervious to rot and will not splinter.

Playground Dig Out
A time will come during the life cycle of your play area that material will have to be removed.
Most playgrounds have engineered wood fiber which is a natural wood product that will decompose over time and lose its effectiveness.
Other materials may become undesired and needing to be removed. The typical life cycle of engineered wood fiber is about 4-7 years depending on your play area.
During the digout process we remove a layer of old material and haul it away and dispose of it. We then install fresh new material in its place.
Playground Equipment Removal
Has your equipment run its course and ready to be removed or replaced? We provide removal services where we remove everything from the footer on up.
We will haul it all away and dispose of off-site for you.
We work with numerous installers throughout the Northern Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia should you need new equipment to replace what we have removed for you.